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AI 🌪️ Tech Chronicles: Unveiling the Latest Breakthroughs in AI, Music, and Security.

AI Spotlight Aug 10, 2023
Happy Thursday! Today's AI News Roundup:

1/ 🎻Google and Universal Music Group's Symphony.
2/ ⚡️ NVIDIA's AI Superchip.
3/ ⌨️ Unlocking Passwords with Sound!

For further details, let's keep reading! 👇

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, groundbreaking developments continue to shape the way we interact with the digital world. This blog post takes you on a journey of the tech universe, unveiling remarkable breakthroughs that are setting the course for our technological future.

1/ 🎻Google and Universal Music Group's Symphony.

The symphony of AI and music reaches new heights as reports emerge of Google and Universal Music Group's negotiation on an AI-generated music tool. Imagine AI composing soul-stirring melodies! This collaboration might just redefine how we experience and create music.

Google And Universal Music Group Negotiating AI-Generated Music Tool, Report Says
Users would be able to create deepfakes legitimately, sources told the Financial Times.

2/ ⚡️ NVIDIA's AI Superchip.

NVIDIA's latest revelation regarding their AI superchip promises to shake up the AI landscape. The company unveiled a new blazing-fast processor called GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip designed for massive AI models at SIGGRAPH 2023.
A significant drop in the cost of running large language models could unleash a wave of innovation, paving the way for groundbreaking AI applications.

Nvidia reveals new A.I. chip, says costs of running LLMs will ‘drop significantly’
Currently, Nvidia dominates the market for AI chips, with over 80% market share, according to some estimates.

3/ ⌨️ Unlocking Passwords with Sound!

A study suggests that AI could identify passwords by analyzing the sound of keys being pressed. Research shows AI can guess which keys you're tapping based on keyboard sounds in Zoom calls. This unorthodox vulnerability brings a new dimension to cybersecurity and prompts us to rethink how we safeguard our digital lives.

AI can identify passwords by sound of keys being pressed, study suggests
Researchers create system using sound recordings that can work out what is being typed with more than 90% accuracy

The harmony of AI and music brings the prospect of melodies composed by machines, blurring the lines between creator and creation. NVIDIA's breakthrough superchip promises not just affordability but a reimagining of how we harness AI's capabilities. The revelation of AI identifying passwords through sound offers a unique lesson in cybersecurity's ever-evolving landscape. As we navigate the seas of AI, music, and security, we're reminded that innovation is a journey marked by both opportunities and challenges. The future is in our hands, and the choices we make today will ripple through the digital landscape of tomorrow.


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